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Why Shoot SUGAR from a BAZOOKA? NewsZine#43 200 Words a Day
February 24, 2009

200 Words a Day! Newzine #43
Why Shoot SUGAR from a BAZOOKA?
February 24, 2009


  1. Beat the Credit Crunch. Stay In and Study a Language.
  2. ALL our Courses are now Downloadable.
  3. e-Flashcardz software (photo) available for Spanish, French, German, Welsh.
  4. SpecialOffer for Existing Users wishing to add e-Flashcardz to their programs.
  5. SPANISH Tip: Why is the Soldier Shooting SUGAR from a Bazooka
  6. GERMAN Tip: Why did the DUCK ENTER the cave?
  7. WELSH Tip: Why is the CROWD throwing TURF?
  8. FRENCH Freeebie: Podcast Download for Course 1 Lesson 20: Meat, Seafood, Drinks
  9. Works in Progress: Italian Course 1; Spanish Verbs Excelerated
  10. Demo Video
  11. Competition Victors for the last few months
BEAT the CREDIT CRUNCH - Brush up on your Language Skills
Yep, save money by staying at home and working on your language courses. Beat the credit crunch... Work on those self-improvement things that you have been delaying. Ditch the TV for a couple of hours and blitz through some vocabulary lessons, or review some sentences! Forget the bottle of wine, and the restaurant meal... grab a healthy salad, a glass of water, or cuppa tea, clear the mind and learn some more of your target language....
ALL our Courses are now Downloadable
All our courses are available via instant download. You need a broadband connection. You can still get a CD by post too if wish...
ELECTRONIC PHOTO e-Flashcardz Software - French, Spanish, German, Welsh is ready

A number of our language learners have expressed a liking for 'electronic flashcards'. This is flashcard SOFTWARE that shows a photograph of the foreign word/thing being learned. So, we decided to ADD these to our range of software. It took us months to compile the thousands of photos... and some of them are just stunning!!

So now, in ADDITION to the Memory Trigger cartoon that we have as our '200 Words a Day!' standard, you CAN have a PHOTOGRAPH of the word being learned. (These have been available since July 2008).

Or you can purchase the 'electronic flashcardz' software as a stand-alone product. So either you can use the photo e-Flashcardz in conjunction with the Memory Triggers, or separately.

This can be used as a 'traditional flashcard' where, for example, if you are learning the word for dog, you get a picture of a dog to go with the voice and text. (I refer to our e-Flashcardz as 'Dog Equals Dog' Flashcards, to differentiate them from our 'trademark' Memory Trigger cartoons.)

With this module, you can now test yourself on the either the e-Flashcardz or the 200 Words a Day Memory Triggers.

The Memory Triggers © are a highly effective learning tool, but the flashcards do add an extra useful option, and are also great for those who prefer a more traditional learning style of learning. They also blend in with our 'Sentences' modules, which show the word in a sentence if you click on the picture (either the e-Flashcard picture or the Memory Trigger picture) depending on the mode you have selected.

Existing users will enjoy the added functionality that the Flashcards offer, and the added options for learning and testing. For example one can alternate one's testing between the e-Flashcardz mode and the 200 Words a Day modes.

Flashcards are ready for Spanish 1 and Spanish 2, and for French 1 and 2, and German 1 and 2, and for Welsh 1. Each of these courses is 1,000 words, with 1,000 photos. Each can be used on its own as a flashcard teacher/testing software:
  • and/or with the Sentences module.
  • and/or with the 200 Words a Day! courses, and their Memory Triggers, cartoons.

You can check out more info on the e-Flashcardz through the following links.

200 Words a Day! French e-Flashcardz.
200 Words a Day! Spanish e-Flashcardz.
200 Words a Day! German e-Flashcardz.
200 Words a Day! Welsh e-Flashcardz.
EXISTING 200 WORDS a DAY Users wanting to ADD e-Flashcardz to their 200 Words a Day! courses
People who bought our courses before July 2008 may not have used the e-Flashcardz. For those of you that wish to upgrade, and add the e-Flashcardz to your 200 Words a Day courses we are offering a discount for the next 30 days. The e-Flashcardz are normally $37 USD but you can get French/German/Spanish/Welsh Course 1 or Course 2 for $10 each individually,or $15 for BOTH Courses 1 and 2.
Here are the offers which include e-Flashcardz upgrade options and Sentences module.
  • Upgrade e-Flashcardz only per Course USD$10.00 / UK£5.00 each
  • Upgrade e-Flashcardz Courses 1 & 2 USD$15.00 / UK£7.50 for both courses.
  • Upgrade e-Flashcardz + Sentences per Course USD$20.00 / UK£10.00 each.
  • Upgrade e-Flashcardz + Sentences Courses 1 & 2 USD$30.00 / UK£15.00 for both courses.
Special e-Flashcardz Upgrade for EXISTING Customer

Follow the on-screen instructions, and this will load the sample e-Flashcardz / Sentences lessons automatically, adding them to your exisitng database.
  • On completion of loading the upgrade, start your 200 Words a Day program, login and go to the MAIN MENU.
  • Click the SETTINGS icon (push 'S' or click the little icon (the cogs).
  • At the bottom LEFT of the Settings Page, click the checkbox marked FLASHCARD, ensuring a TICK is visible.
  • Press ENTER to exit.
  • Click the LESSON icon (professor) then Select a Lesson.
  • To hear the word in a Sentence, spoken by a native speaker, click on the picture ...(provided you have the sentences module).
Spanish Tip: Why is the Soldier Shooting SUGAR from a Bazooka
Find out why with this cartoon Memory Trigger for the Spanish word for SUGAR...
check out the Spanish Memory Trigger and see its accompanying e-Flashcard.
German Tip: Why did the DUCK ENTER the cave?
Find out why with this cartoon Memory Trigger for the German word for DUCK...
check out the German Memory Trigger and see its accompanying e-Flashcard.
Welsh Tip: Why is the CROWD of girls throwing TURF?
Find out why with this cartoon Memory Trigger for the Welsh word for CROWD...
check out the Welsh Memory Trigger and see its accompanying e-Flashcard.
French Podcast Download - Meat Seafood and Drinks - Lesson 20 Course 1
We are compiling narratives and dialogues to accompany your vocabulary lessons. This narrative covers the words in 200 Words a Day French Course 1 Lesson 20 - Meat, Seafood and Drinks. French Lesson 20 Narrative and Dialogue download - Meat Seafood and Drinks. A great way to review your French lessons, and consolidate. You can download this mp3 file to your iPod and hear (again and again) a great little conversation between two native French speakers, Charlotte and Carlos. This one is a conversation between people at a dinner party, where the lady has invited the gentleman and his wife for dinner.

More French narratives coming ...

Works in Progress: Italian Course 1; Spanish Verbs Excelerated
Lots of work is in progress. In fact we are swamped with work. Italian Course 1 is progressing, and it will include a Grammar Course. We are adding our own Grammar courses to our language courses... but they will take some time. We are just back from Italy where we were snapping photos of everything from the historic sites, restaurants and road signs!

Excelerated Spanish Verbs remains under construction. We aim to finish it in about 4 months. It is only about 2 years overdue ...

Six-minute 200 Words a Day DEMO VIDEOS, give a great overview of their workings with actual screenshots. They are available as downloads, at zero cost. You can also download written reports of the same from the same page.

Examples are from our Spanish 200 Words a Day course for the Demo, but the principles are much the same for French, German, Welsh.

Click for the 200 Words a Day Demonstration Videos and reports....

Competition Victors
This issue we have 8 winners as we have not sent out an eZine for some months. (.... so busy!)
If your name is here contact us by email to get your fr:e:e download of a course of your choice.

Wael titanic 7-2005
Captin Mafafa
apa Stacy
Sylviane Lavigne
Koncsard Otto8co

Adiós - au revoir - auf wiedersehen - hwyl fawr.

Kevin Crocombe and the 200 Words a Day Team
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