French for duck is le canard

by Funlola Ojelade
(Abuja, Nigeria)

imagine a male (m) duck floating along with the flow of water in a CANAL... avoiding the male (m) duckshooter hiding in the reeds.

Editor's Note: We have added in male characters, as this is a masculine word. Thank you, Funlola.

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Oct 07, 2008
Spelling Error
by: Anonymous

I was quite excited to see my contribution posted on your website. What's more, you edited it and made it a more effective memory trigger for everyone including me. Thanks so much.

Being a begginer in the French language course, I noticed I had made a mistake in the spelling because French for duck is "canard" and not "carnard" as I had written.

Thanks once again

Funlola Ojelade

Editor's note: Thanks Funlola - the word has been corrected.

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