Welcome to 200 Words a Day! innovative German learning.

Welcome to 200 Words a Day!

We are positive you will enjoy building up your understanding of the German language with 200 Words a Day! learning systems.

There is a comprehensive Tutorial included with the software, but to further benefit from all the features in the programme we recommend you subscribe to our Learn German Tips and Tricks emails below.

Tips and Tricks

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

We look forward to hearing about your progress and always welcome feedback.

If you have any queries at all about the course, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you and enjoy your language learning.


Kevin Crocombe

A Little More Info

What to Expect in the Tips and Tricks emails:

Once you've submitted your details above, you will be sent an email and asked to confirm your subscription. Please click on the link to receive the 200 Words a Day! Learn German Tips and Tricks series of emails.

They will be automatically sent to you every few days. If you don't receive them, please check your spam filter and make sure our email address is whitelisted.

Some of the topics covered include:

           Where to find help and Information.

Find out the numerous ways for you to find help, both within the 200 Words a Day! German course itself, and online.

           Remember Genders

Four easy Gender Triggers are built in to every Memory Trigger and cartoon for instant recall of the noun and its gender.

           Autorun / Background Music / Writing Foreign Characters

Preview or review what you have learnt.

Select Superlearning Background Music to relax you while you learn.

Foreign characters are required to gain optimum points in your tests. We show you how.

           Learning Modes - Excelearning / Kinesthetic

All about the different learning styles - Visual, Aural, Kinesthetic - which are integrated into our courses.

           Schedule / Testing Options / Review your Progress

Check your Schedule - the next lesson, any tests due, learning rates, etc. Easily keep track of your progress.

           Dictionary / Build your own Lesson / Special Lessons

Customise your lessons - easily select the words you want to learn.

Special Lessons include 'My Worst Words' - the words you get wrong most often - constantly updated, for extra practice.


Challenge yourself and learn how to Master a word.

.... and many more.

We will also keep in touch with any news, updates and special offers.

Of course, you may unsubscribe whenever you wish.

Alles Gute!

Kevin Crocombe

200 Words a Day! Learn German Tips and Trickse
200 Words a Day! and Exceltra 
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