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Mobile Lessons; 1000 pages of French - zero cost: #40- 26Oct,2007 October 26, 2007 |
Hi 200 Words a Day! Newzine #40 - Mobile lessons; 1,000 page French Course - zero cost 26 October, 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Language Lessons on your MOBILE PHONE? 2. Dog equals Dog Flashcards 3. Automatic Updates 4. Downloadable Verb Software is imminent 5. SPANISH TIP: What do you DESIRE to Say in Spanish 6. FRENCH TIP: Full FSI French Courses Fr:e:e by email. 1,000 pages! 7. GERMAN TIP: How long does an OGRE BLINK take? Just a moment! REGULAR ITEMS A. Monthly CD Draw. B. Demo Downloads C. Victorious in the Month CD Draw and the Products they can select. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. LANGUAGE TOOLBOX: Language Lessons to your MOBILE PHONE, iPOD? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Right now we're testing making language lessons accessible by mobile telephone, iPod, PDA's and other mobile devices. We'd like your input, as to what you might like, how you'd like it etc. Five people will be chosen from thse who help with the survey and they will get fr:e:e access to the software of language lessons to your mobile phone, iPod etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. LANGUAGE TOOLBOX: DOG EQUALS DOG Flashcards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASHCARDS are a great learning tool, and the 200 Words a Day! system is a form of language learning electronic flashcard system. Most language learning flashcards simply give you a picture e.g. of a dog, and say the foreign word for dog. I call these DOG EQUALS DOG flashcards. No Memory Trigger, no gender triggers, no silly cartoon to help recall. While I like them, I am NOT a huge fan, because they have major limitations, and still rely solely on repetition for remembering. No deep Memory hooks and Memory Triggers. (From a software makers viewpoint they are much simpler to make than our current products). I think that these do have a place as part of the testing, reviewing practise of vocabulary learning, so we will be implementing these DOG=DOG flashcards in future editions of the 200 Words a Day! software. The works are in progress. I believe the DOG=DOG flashcards are great but they are not as superior as the 200 Words a Day! electronic flashcards with Memory Triggers, gender triggers and hooks. I explain the differences in more depth in this link about language learning electronic flashcards. Soon the 200 Words a Day! programs will have both.... and previous buyers will be notified as to how to get the upgrade at no cost. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Automatic Updates: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To get automatic updates to anything on the website, simply click the XML/RSS button in the yellow box at the top left of any webpage on our website. The box sits above the Navbar Menu. Just follow the instructions, and an alert message will appear on your computer whenever there is a new message. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. VERBS: Downloadable as a Verb Training and Testing software program --------------------------------------------------------------------- I mentioned the imminent release of our 'Verbs in Focus' software, where we take a verb, and put it into our software to make the learning of it, and testing of it, more thorough. Spanish will be first, then French, then German. The program is however still IMMINENT. I hope to release it in the next newsletter then you can download some sample verbs and really get to learn that verb inside out. The IT guys are just ironing out the last of the 'issues', then we'll have some fr:e:e verbs for you to try out. Why make it a software program? Because the learning is much more focussed, structured, logically presented in a software program. Then, you can test yourself. With this software program lesson, that just focusses on this one verb at a time, you will work through the course on the whole verb, and the sample sentences. This will solidly consolidate your knowledge of this verb.... Your learning through such a programme is therefore several times more effective, than just scanning a webpage, or textbook. Most people just skip most of the stuff on a textbook/webpage lesson. But with our software lessons that is more difficult to just skip a word, because you get tested on the contents. Do a few lessons like this, and soon you will have a solid grounding in many verbs and in Spanish verb structure. Try the whole verb of llevar in the software lesson, do the tests, and the sentences that are put in to illustrate each of the tenses in action. Each lesson covers one tense, so you can learn the whole tense, then test yourself on it, then it goes through each conjugation with each pronoun. e.g. yo llevo, yo llevaba, yo llevé, yo llevaré, yo llevaría, etc . (I carry, I used to carry, I carried, I will carry, I would carry etc.) No matter what your level, if you are a student of Spanish you will get a great deal of benefit of going through and learning the verb llevar and some of the idioms associated with it. The webpage lesson of the verb Llevar, then when you get the software version you will see how much more effective, and disciplined it makes your learning. The interactive nature of the software, with its instant feedback makes it much more fun, easier to use than trying to solely read text from a website screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. SPANISH TIP: What do you DESIRE to say in Spanish. The verb DECIR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The verb DECIR means 'to say'. Our Memory Trigger for this shows the singer DESIREE who DESIRES to say something. See the verb, the Memory Trigger pic and all the conjugations of this verb, a practice sentence in each tense, present, past, future, compounds, subjunctives etc. Check the Memory Trigger for DECIR, the Spanish for say, and work through the whole verb with lots of related terms and idiomatic expressions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. FRENCH TIP: 1,000 pages and 20 hours of mp3 - French Course fr:e:e by email ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We are now giving away the full FSI French Course Volumes 1 and 2 (24 lessons), as a series of email lessons. No charge. 200 Words a Day! programs are a great complement to these thorough and indepth courses that have been used over the decades by the US State Department to train their diplomats. Check out the link to enrol and see all the details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. GERMAN TIP: How long does an OGRE BLINK take? Just a moment! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out this Memory Trigger for the German word for moment. The ogre will remind you also of the word's gender... It will only take a moment. Adiós - au revoir - auf wiedersehen - hwyl fawr - zai jian. Kevin Crocombe and the 200 Words a Day Team ====================================================================== A. 200 Words a Day CD-Rom or e-Book to give away each month ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The w*inner of the monthly draw can select a software download or e-Book from our range which is listed below. The lucky person this month is named below the list of products, in the newsletter at the end of each month. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Fr:e:e Software Downloads including DEMO with words and sample sentences for you... ----------------------------------------------------------------------
C. The Winners of the Draw can select from our list of PRODUCTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SPANISH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 Words a Day! LEARN SPANISH Course #1 CD-Rom - 1000+ words and common phrases. 200 Words a Day! LEARN Spanish Course #1 e-Book. 200 Words a Day! LEARN SPANISH Course #2 - 1000+ words and common phrases. 200 Words a Day! LEARN SPANISH SENTENCES Course #1 - 1000+ words and common phrases 200 Words a Day! LEARN SPANISH SENTENCES Course #2 - 1000+ words and common phrases UNDERSTANDING POR and PARA - Spanish Grammar Course. UNDERSTANDING SER and ESTAR in Spanish - Grammar Course. LEARN 101 SPANISH PROVERBS - 101 Proverbs FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE SPANISH COURSE #1 VOLUME 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FRENCH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 Words a Day! LEARN FRENCH Course #1 - 1000+ words and common phrases 200 Words a Day! LEARN FRENCH Course #2 - 1000+ words and common phrases Learn French Sentences - Course #1 Learn French Sentences - Course #2 LEARN 101 FRENCH PROVERBS - 101 Proverbs FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE FRENCH COURSE #1 VOLUME 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GERMAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 Words a Day! LEARN GERMAN Course #1 - 1000+ words and common phrases 200 Words a Day! LEARN GERMAN Course #2 - 1000+ words and common phrases LEARN 101 GERMAN PROVERBS - 101 Proverbs 200 Words a Day! LEARN GERMAN SENTENCES Course #1 - 1000+ words and common phrases 200 Words a Day! LEARN GERMAN SENTENCES Course #2 - 1000+ words and common phrases FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE GERMAN COURSE #1 VOLUME 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WELSH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 Words a Day! LEARN WELSH Course #1 - 1000+ words and common phrases ---------------------------------------------------------------------- D. NAME OF THE VICTORIOUS ENTRANTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This month it is Giedre - - - of gmail. At the end of each month our victorious entrant is announced here . If your name is picked, please contact us by email within the next 30 days. For us to contact you by email, please make sure you have white listed our email address, so that our emails are not being filtered out by your filters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Entering the Monthly CD-Rom or e-Book Draw ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To enter the monthly draw for a CD-Rom, or e-Book of your choice, click on the link Enter the Draw. You'll need to answer some easy questions (we'll even give you the answers...!). You can enter every month if you so wish! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Plus some mini courses by email ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to also enroll in our 7-part mini-courses. At present we have these available as mini-Spanish lessons, but we will have French 7-part mini-lessons also soon. Spanish 7-part e-Courses ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Frequently Asked Questions and Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions about 200 Words a Day Accelerated Language Learning 200 Words a Day! Excelerated Language Learning Tutorials - How to Use the Spanish, French, German and Welsh Language Courses ---------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Back Issues of these e-Zines ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All back issues of these ezines are available - gratis, non charge - at the link at the bottom of the newsletter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Contact Us ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Us That's it for this language learning newzine. Don't forget if there is someone you know learning a language, this ezine might be of interest to them. Pass it on. 200 Words a Day! Website200 Words a Day! Newzine #40 - ©2007.26 October, 2007 Transcity Properties Ltd, 32 Alverton, Great Linford, Buckinghamshire, MK14 5EF, United Kingdom. |
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