Argentine Food - a Spanish Lesson

La Comida Argentina

Argentine food is the topic of this Spanish lesson written by Hernan Gladiali. Read it aloud several times to consolidate your Spanish learning. Many of the words are covered in our 200 Words a Day Learn Spanish courses, and as always there is some new vocabulary to add to your arsenal of Spanish words and phrases.

La comida argentina tiene un toque particular. Combina platos de la cultura Español y la Italiana, ya que fueron estos los países desde donde llegaron la mayor cantidad de inmigrantes a principios del siglo XX.

Normalmente, a los argentinos les gusta reunirse a comer. En las fiestas, se acostumbra a tener grandes banquetes, con mucha comida y bebida.

La principal atracción de la comida Argentina, es el asado. Probablemente por todo el ritual que hay detrás de la preparación del asado, combinado con la exquisitez de las carnes que pueden encontrarse en este país.

Pero el asado no es el único plato fuerte de esta cultura. Como buen heredera Italiana, la pizza ocupa también un lugar privilegiado en la dieta de los argentinos. Como olvidar las empanadas hechas en casa, de carne, jamón y queso, verdura, y miles de sabores diferentes. Su sencillez, sumada a su espectacular sabor, la posicionan también entre los principales platos consumidos en el país.

El postre también es parte importante de la comida de la Argentina. Luego de comer, se acostumbra ingerir algo dulce, como puede ser helado, flan con dulce de leche o crema, etc. Es, sin duda alguna, un momento de relajación y goce, donde se disfrutan los sabores exclusivos de la comida Argentina, que ha ido evolucionando, y mejorando, a lo largo de todos estos años.

Argentine Food

Argentinian food has a special touch. It combines Spanish and Italian culture dishes, as those were the countries from which came the largest number of immigrants in the early twentieth century.

Normally, Argentinians like to meet for lunch. At parties, it is customary to have large banquets, with plenty of food and drink.

The main attraction of Argentine food, is the "asado" (barbecue), probably because of all the rituals behind the preparation of the barbecue, combined with the delicacy of the meat to be found in this country.

But the "asado" is not the only highlight of this culture. Like a good Italian heiress, pizza also occupies a privileged place in the Argentine diet.

How could I forget the homemade pies, made from meat, ham and cheese, vegetables, with thousands of different tastes. Its simplicity, together with its dramatic flavour, also ranks it among the main dishes consumed in the country.

Dessert is also an important part of the Argentinian meal. After eating (the main meal), it is usual to consume something sweet, such as ice cream, flan with "dulce de leche" (sweet, condensed milk), cream, etc. It is, without doubt, a moment of relaxation and enjoyment, where you can enjoy unique flavours of Argentine food, which has been evolving and improving all these years.

los banquetes = banquets
la exquisitez = delicacy
la heredera = heiress
las empanadas caseras = homemade pies
los sabores = flavours
ingerir (v) = to consume, to ingest

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Argentine Food - La Comida Argentina.
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