FSI German Course Part 2
Hopefully you've received Lessons 1-6 of the Foreign Service Institute FSI German Volume 1 Part 1 Course and are managing to work your way through them.
The information and lessons are very useful as designed for U.S Foreign Diplomats to learn French.
Lesson Units 7 to 12
Subscribe to Part 2 - another six lessons of the FSI German Volume 1 by email - which includes the following.
Email 1: Lesson Unit 7 -
Arranging the Furniture
Notes on Pronunciation, Numbers 100-1000, The Adjective-Noun Sequence, Summary of Two-Way Prepositions, Verbs like -
legen, liegen, stehen, stellen; Review of Present Tense
Email 2: Lesson Unit 8 - Shopping
Notes on Pronunciation, Specifiers and Adjectives, Word Order, Compound Nouns, Verbs like - kaufen, ausgeben, bekommen, meinen.
Email 3: Lesson Unit 9 - A Drive to the Mountains
Notes on Pronunciation, Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs, Quantity of Adjectives, Verbs – Future, Time Expressions, Months of the Year, Verbs like - anziehen, anhaben.
Email 4: Lesson Unit 10 - Hotel ‘The White Deer’
Notes on Pronunciation, A Resort in the Mountains, Word Order in Larger Sentences, Ordinal Numbers, Telling Time, Verbs like - bestellen, abfahren.
Email 5: Lesson Unit 11 - On a Weekday
Notes on Pronunciation, Verbs Forms in Familiar Speech, Pronouns and Possessive Words, Complex Verb Phrases, Auxiliary Verb: lassen. Derivative Nouns
Email 6: Lesson Unit 12 - German Vocabulary
Notes on Pronunciation, Past Time, Perfect Phase, The Past Participle, Past Time Continuing in the Present, Time Expressions – Telling the Time
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We also offer the FSI Courses in the 200 Words a Day! programme player, presenting both the .pdf for you to view together with sound files.
To add a little more colour and fun to your learning why not give our 200 Words a Day! German vocab-building programes a try.
Now with sentences to show the words in action. Drill-down to link between the two courses.
die Milch
a farm-girl (f) likes to squeeze fresh MILK,
coloured in the German colours.
Note that die Milch is a feminine word - hence the female character in the picture.
The word also sounds a lot like milk in English, so we have used German colours to remind you that the German and English words are similar.
Memory triggers like this are combined in a user-friendly, interactive programme complete with a Comprehensive Testing Schedule and Review Progress menu in the 200 Words a Day! courses.
Check out our:
200 Words a Day! Excelerated Language Learning Software
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Free FSI German Lessons by email Course