Translation speeds up your language learning. Do it like an intepreting stenographer...

Language Translating will accelerate your Foreign Language Learning Speed. Translation of Spanish, French, German, Welsh ... any language!

Translating documents, articles, radio interviews etc is an extremely valuable exercise and will greatly improve your language learning speed and acquisition.

You can do this anywhere, anytime.

However there is a technique to improve your foreign language translating skills . . . and I call it ...

Stenographer Language Translation

A very effective way to improve your listening, comprehension, spelling, and increase your foreign vocabulary and phrases when learning a language is by a practice I call "Stenographer Language Translation".

It applies to learning any language at all! Spanish translation, French translating, German translating, Welsh ... whatever!

All you need is a sheet of paper and a pen, or you can type at your PC or laptop, particularly if you are a fast typist.

Now imagine that you are one of the super-efficient interpreter/secretary types that can write or type at 100 miles-an-hour as the boss dictates.

Listen to, or watch a program in the target foreign language of your choice.

Ideally this should be something that you can replay like a DVD movie, or something that you can record from the TV.

Foreign language DVD's are perfect for translation as you can listen to them again and again, thus making foreign language translating exercise much more effective. Scribble down the various phrases, words and expressions that strike you.

Do this for as long as you can stomach, but certainly at least until you have filled a sheet of paper.

Don't worry too much about the spelling etc, just get the phrases down, and the expressions down, and the word combinations and sentences down.

You will tidy those up with the dictionary later.

Don't worry if a bunch of phrases just end up as illegible scribble. You will recognize most of it.... and you'll gain from trying to unravel what you have written.

Translate regularly and repeat the exercise!

You can always repeat the exercise and it gets easier every time, especially with repeats.

Once you have done that, get your English to foreign language dictionaries out and start your foreign language translating exercise.

Note that I said dictionaries! because...

Not all foreign language dictionaries are created equal!

... so ...

You should have more than one Foreign Dictionary for Language Translation

You will find that different dictionaries have different strengths and different translations. Each dictionary might have a gem that is missing in another.

I like buying dictionaries at flea markets, school fetes, book-stalls, car-boot sales and such like. You'll be surprised at the quality of stuff you can pick up for very little outlay!

Make up your own Memory Triggers© for words as you go along.

If it is a European language make up your own Gender Triggers© for the nouns.

Write them all down in your own notebook, or language studies folder, or in a document or spreadsheet on your computer ,and keep these translations handy for future reference. Adopt a

You will find that you really will remember a lot of the translated material that you glean in this way, because you have actively participated in its collation.

You will remember the context in which the word was said, the expression on the face of the newsreader or the actor on the DVD or news item you were translating.

All these form subtle multi-modal Memory Hooks, triggers and clues.

Likewise the hand movements, the facial grimaces, the emotions that accompany the words, phrases and expressions make TV/Video/DVD "Stenographer Language Translation" so powerful a reinforcing mechanism.

Once you know a word it is a bit like when you buy a new piece of clothing, or new car, or gadget.

You know how if you buy something, let's say a red Toyota Corolla car... all of a sudden you see that everywhere are these blasted red Toyota Corollas.

It seems like everyone has got one.

Suddenly that thing is on your radar.

With foreign language words and phrases it is the same.

Once you know the word, you'll see and hear it frequently, because you are aware of it. That is, of course, if you are actively reading and reviewing your foreign language material on a regular basis.

Review your Translated Language Materials according to a regular schedule...

If you do not have a technique for reviewing your learned material, adopt the 200 Words a Day Schedule technique that is programmed in to our software.

This gets you to review material after:

  • a day,
  • again after a week,
  • a month,
  • three months,
  • and then after a year.

It's like having your own Translation Service

Treat the Translation Exercises as your own Translation Service!

Remember you get far, far more from doing the translation yourself, than by looking at someone else's already translated material, because so much more of your mind, effort and senses is involved in the process.

Spanish Translation, Translate French, German Translating, Welsh Translation, Italian Translating...

It works for all languages!

Try it and enjoy with the language combination of your choice - Spanish to English translation, French to English translation, German to English, Welsh to English!

Later on you can try it the other way round and try translating from English to Spanish, English to French, English to German or whatever language it is that you are studying.

Spanish Translation is made easier using the 200 Words a Day language techniques | Understanding Por and Para - Intermediate Spanish | French | German | Welsh Translating |

200 Words a Day! Excelerated Learning Technologies and Exceltra 
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