Learn the Welsh for money *

welsh for money=pres


... imagine a PRESS-gang dressed like Elvis PRESley (m), holding bags of money in North Wales.

* arian = money, currency (South Wales)

Elvis is helping you remember the word in Welsh for money.

Elvis PRESley with bags of money makes it easy to remember this North Walian word, quickly and easily. This Memory Trigger works well because the word sounds like PRESley in both Welsh and English.

Listen to the Welsh pronunciation as often as you wish in the 200 Words a Day! programme by clicking on the word. All words are recorded by native Welsh speakers.

In this case you will hear a male voice to reinforce the fact that this word is masculine.

Take a moment to imprint the picture in your mind. Remember the picture, remember the word in Welsh for money!


Incorporated into the software is a computerised version of flashcards so that you now have the option of alternating your learning and testing of Welsh words.

Complement the Memory Trigger cartoons with these great photographic visuals. Switch between the two modes whenever you please in lessons, revision or testing.

welsh for money=pres

200 Words a Day! is the innovative way to build up your Welsh vocabulary ...

... including words like Welsh for money ... it's quick, effective, easy, fun.

The 200 Words a Day! interactive software includes:

  • Over 1000+ words per course - great value for money.
  • A memory trigger & unique picture for every word.
  • Gender triggers teach genders at the same time.
  • Native speakers for perfect pronunciation and intonation.
  • Multi-modal – suits all learning styles.
  • Visual, aural, kinaesthetic learning modes.
  • Suitable for CSE / US school syllabi
  • All ages– children/adults - learning difficulties.
  • School Site Licences available - ask us.
  • Multi-user - individual databases for up to 6 students
  • 40+ lessons per course
  • Fun, user-friendly.
  • Learning/revision/testing schedule at optimal times.
  • Learning rates - scores auto-calculated.
  • Dictionary English-Foreign / Foreign-English.
  • Build-your-own-Lessons
  • Upgradable with future courses.
  • Easy on-screen help functions with a right click.
  • Blitz your Worst words. Auto-updates.
  • Superlearning Music for optimal learning state.

Learn Welsh with 200 Words a Day!
Order yours now - Download or CD
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200 Words a Day! Welsh Course 1

1,000+ words & e-Flashcardz







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What computers will our CD-Roms run on?

Our programmes are designed for PCs including the following operating systems: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000.

Suitable on any device supporting a Windows PC Operating System e.g. XP or Windows 8.

For Apple Macintosh users: The 200 Words a Day! Language Learning courses can run on your Apple Mac, but require the following previously installed:

1) A PC emulator, VMWare Fusion recommended. 
2) A PC System disc is also needed, either Windows 7, 8 (32 bit) or XP recommended.

CDs are required to install the programme on to a Mac.

Not suitable for ipads, iphones. 

200 Words a Day! Learn Welsh for money

200 Words a Day! and Exceltra 
©Copyright 2004-2023 All Rights Reserved 

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IMAGINE how you'd
seeing yourself learning at a rate of 200 words a day ... the ideal companion course that complements any language course.











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