Champs-Elysees Audiomagazine Product Review

* Note; unfortunately, these audiobooks are no longer available - this page is just for reference purposes.

Champs-Elysees is not just a famous avenue in Paris, it's a producer of a range of language learning products, in particular audio-magazines.

There are loads and loads of language learning products out there in the market-place.

And I have to say that lots of them are really, really good!

There has never, ever been so much choice, and the range and choices are getting better and better. There is also a large amount of junk out there too! So the person looking for a language learning course, or strategy faces a bewildering array of options.

As your vocabulary grows (using the likes of the 200 Words a Day! products), and your grammar lessons, and language skills progress you will be wanting some additional tools to consolidate your ear's ability to absorb the speech and meaning of what a native speaker is saying.

Some of the best tools for intermediate to advanced language learners are the audiomagazines produced by Champs-Elysees.

I have used their Spanish, French and German language learning products over a number of years.

Champs-Elysees produce four audiomagazines, one for each of:

  • Spanish (called Puerta del Sol),
  • French (Champs-Elysees),
  • German (Schau ins Land) and
  • Italian (Acquerello Italiano).

They come as an audio CD or cassette that is sent out monthly, each with about a dozen interviews and 'radio-shows' by native speakers of the target language.

They are professionally produced, and well presented.

Accompanying this is a printed booklet with a full transcript of each recording/interview/article on the the CD/cassette, with a glossary of the vocabulary used.

There is also a study supplement which goes into further depth on grammar concepts, phrases, and features of language useage that crop up during the course of the recordings.

The courses are ideal to listen to while driving your car, or sitting on the train or plane while plugged in to your Walkman or CD Player. Intermediate learners may have to listen to them several times, to 'catch up' to the pace at which the native speakers talk. But the more times you listen to the recording, the more you will understand, and 'catch on'.

The reality is that native speakers of any language tend to sound like they are speaking at a machine-gun fire pace to a language learner, especially if one is not resident in that country. The Champs-Elysees products are an excellent tool for consolidation and advancement of your language skills. They are effective at getting your ear used to the speed of speech when trying to adapt to a new language.

The Champs-Elysees range of audiomagazines do features on famous people, presidents and leaders, writers, novelists, artists, different regions of the countries where the particular languages are spoken (Spanish, French, German and Italian).

Other Champs-Elysees products

Champs-Elysees also stock other language learning products aimed at the intermediate to advanced learner of French, Spanish, German and Italian.

For example the Frémeaux French Audio books series, the Geophon Audio Travel books which are portable guides to various German speaking countries. They cover the features, attractions, main streets, sites and sights of many of the big cities in German, Austria and Switzerland.

They also stocked other Italian and Spanish Audio books.

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Champs-Elysees Audiomagazines for the Intermediate to Advanced Learner of French, Spanish, German and Italian.

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