Earworms Language Learning - with the song stuck in your head...

Earworms are those songs that keep going around in your head! We all get them, but don't you hate it when it is a song that irritates the daylights out of you.

Marlon Lodge, a language teacher of English origins, who lives in Germany, has harnessed this into a language learning system he's called the earworms musical brain trainer (mbt).

And they are being downloaded by the thousands. He's been featured on television, radio and has thousands of satisfied users. While they are essentially an audio CD product, each CD comes with a little booklet covering the foreign language vocabulary and phrases that are learned in the course.

Language learning Musical Brain Trainer

Marlon takes a lexical language learning approach with the earworms system, avoiding grammatication - the overemphasis on learning grammar at an early stage of learning a language, which can deter many a language learner from learning. While the study of grammar is important, it can turn people off language learning!

The most successful language learners use it as a tool for communication rather than a precise academic exercise!

So the language learning technique starts with key phrases which are then set to music, and repeated along with Marlon's tunes. The phrases and tunes are designed to become embedded in the auditory cortex of the brain, in the same way as that song that cannot get out of our mind. The material is repeated a few times, allowing the learner the chance to say the phrase out loud and thus build speaking skills.

So soon you will be grasping those key phrases and the first 200 words of language vocabulary of the target languages, and using phrases with important modal verbs such as could, would, can etc.

Earworms mbt audio courses - learn a language in your car

Being an audio CD program you can learn a language in your car, iPod or PC. Currently he has the Musical Brain Trainer - mbt programmes available in the following languages:

  • Musical Brain Trainer Rapid French
  • Musical Brain Trainer Rapid Spanish
  • Musical Brain Trainer Rapid Greek
  • Musical Brain Trainer Rapid German
The first courses cover 200 common words of these languages, and will enable you to learn the phrases necessary to order in a restaurant, how to get by with taxis, car rental.

Frequently Asked Questions about earworms mbt language learning courses

What does mbt mean?
It means musical brain trainer.

How many words on each of the mbt language learning audio CD's?
200 words of basic vocab and some important common phrases.

What can one achieve from the programme?
The programme's stated goal is to enable you to hold a basic conversation in the target foreign language. Used in together, the 200 Words a Day! superlearning language courses combine well with earworms learning.

Basic conversation skills can be developed with Marlon's course, and then one can rapidly build vocabulary with the 200 Words a Day! system's CDs.

Language Learning Product Review - Earworms Musical Brain Trainer language course

The language audio courses are structured in two volumes of CDs, in the four available languages - French, Spanish, German, Greek. Other languages are under development.

Volume 1 CDs teach the foreign words and phrases needed for that initial trip overseas: asking a stranger for directions,what to say in a restaurant to enable to order things, coping with problems, useful phrases while shopping, learning to tell the time, etc. Volume 1 also teaches you basics of counting in the target foreign language.

Useful grammatical concepts are also taught simultaneously with Earworms Musical Brain Trainer, with an emphasis on the modal verbs: such as can, could, would, in conjunction with other verbs like: to want, to have, to like, to be, to search or to look for, to know, to eat, to drink, to buy, to hire or rent.

So you learn some grammar in the context of the phrases as they are spoken to music as the course progresses.

Volume 2 of Marlon's language courses teach you how to speak about yourself, and about your family, your occupation, your likes and dislikes. It also covers the tenses of the present, the past tense, and future and with some basic 'stock standard' phrases that will enable you to hold a basic conversation in the target language.

Rapid French Brain Trainer | Rapid Spanish Brain Trainer | Rapid Italian Brain Trainer | Rapid German Brain Trainer | Rapid Welsh Brain Trainer |

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Product Review earworms language learning audio CD's - the Musical Brain Trainer

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