FSI Free German Lessons

Over 330 pages of comprehensive, easy-to-follow free German lessons - get the entire Foreign Service Institute German Volume 1 by email here.

As used by the U.S. State Department to train their foreign diplomats over many decades. Elsewhere on the internet these courses sell for over $200 per course, and we normally sell them for $47, but are now giving them away FREE.

Info about the FREE GERMAN LESSONS by Email

This Foreign Service Institute German Course Volume 1 is presented in 12 LESSON UNITS.

These are grouped into two Parts of 7 emails each.

Free German Lessons FSI Course Part One.

These FSI courses perfectly complement the 200 Words a Day! German vocabulary-building courses.

You have to register for each Part of 7 emails.

To register simply fill in the form now... FSI GERMAN COURSE VOLUME 1 - PART 1
Lesson Units 1 to 6

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There are 7 emails in Part 1.

Email 1: Introduction and Lesson Unit 1 - In Deutschland
Notes on Pronunciation – Long and Short Vowels, German Nouns, German Genders, Conversation Practice – At the Airport, Train Station, Restaurant, Hotel.

Email 2: Lesson Unit 2 - In Munich / Going through Customs
Notes on Pronunciation – Vowels, Dipthongs, ‘r’, German Pronouns - Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Numbers 1-12, Verb Forms and Functions, Modal Verbs - können, dürfen, müssen, wollen, Other verbs including.- kennen, wohnen, sprechen, treffen.

Email 3: Lesson Unit 3 - City Tour
Notes on Pronunciation, At the Hotel, Nouns, Prepositional Phrases, Verbs, Numbers 13-20, Word Order, der-Type specifiers der, dieser, welcher, Prepositional Phrases.

Email 4: Lesson Unit 4 - At The Embassy
Notes on Pronunciation ‘Ich’, Basic Sentences, Verb Phrases and Word Order, German Superlatives e.g. gern, lieber, am liebsten; German conditional tense; Numbers 21-50

Email 5: Lesson Unit 5 - At Home
Notes on Pronunciation, Nouns – Plurals and Genitive Forms, Reflexive Pronouns, German verbs like - leben, wohnen, lesen, schreiben, leihen

Email 6: Lesson Unit 6 - On The Telephone
Notes on Pronunciation, Telephone conversation and vocabulary, German Phone Numbers, Adjectives, Time expressions.

Email 7: Register for Part 2

Lesson Units 7 to 12

FSI German by Email Volume 1
Part 2 Lessons 7-12

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There are another 6 email lessons in this series.

Email 1: Lesson Unit 7 - Settling In
Notes on Pronunciation, Numbers 100-1000, The Adjective-Noun Sequence, Summary of Two-Way Prepositions, Verbs like - legen, liegen, stehen, stellen; Review of Present Tense

Email 2: Lesson Unit 8 - Shopping
Notes on Pronunciation, Specifiers and Adjectives, Word Order, Compound Nouns, Verbs like - kaufen, ausgeben, bekommen, meinen.

Email 3: Lesson Unit 9 - A Drive to the Mountains
Notes on Pronunciation, Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs, Quantity of Adjectives, Verbs – Future, Time Expressions, Months of the Year, Verbs like - anziehen, anhaben.

Email 4: Lesson Unit 10 - "The White Deer" Inn
Notes on Pronunciation, A Resort in the Mountains, Word Order in Larger Sentences, Ordinal Numbers, Telling Time, Verbs like - bestellen, abfahren.

Email 5: Lesson Unit 11 - On a Weekday
Notes on Pronunciation, Verbs Forms in Familiar Speech, Pronouns and Possessive Words, Complex Verb Phrases, Auxiliary Verb: lassen. Derivative Nouns

Email 6: Lesson Unit 12 - At a Party/Gathering
Notes on Pronunciation, Past Time, Perfect Phase, The Past Participle, Past Time Continuing in the Present, Time Expressions – Telling the Time

Email 7: In Summary

HOW to USE these free FSI German lessons

You will find instructions on how to use the FSI Free German lessons click here, and follow the easy steps in guide.

Email FSI German Course Instructions

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