Bet on in French
Verb parier sur: to bet on

Words related to French verb parier

le pari (nm) = bet, gamble, wager; betting.
le parieur (nm) = gambler, punter (male).
la parieuse (nf) = gambler, punter (female).
l'addiction au jeu (nf) = gambling addiction.

The use of the French verb parier sur is quite limited and deals with bets on horses or on football games. However, alone, this verb can be applied to many situations. See the examples below:

  • << Tu n'arriveras jamais en cours à temps! >>
    <<Tu paries?>>
    "You'll be late for your next lesson." - "Do you want a bet?"
  • Et je parie qu'il a soudoyé le prof pour avoir une telle note !
    And I bet he paid the teacher to get such a (good) mark!

  • Je te parie qu'on ne quittera pas le bureau avant six heures et quart ce soir !
    I bet you we won't leave the office before a quarter past six tonight!
  • Elle n'a vraiment pas parié sur le bon cheval ! (idiom)
    She really made a bad choice with that guy! (Lit. She really didn't bet on the good horse)
  • Moi, je parie sur mon mari pour donner des cours de maths à mon fils !
    I count on my husband to give my son maths lessons (meaning I trust him as he's skilled).
  • Il y a fort à parier que la France n'ira pas loin pour l'Euro 2008 !
    It seems pretty obvious that the French team won't go far in Euro 2008.

The French verb parier sur in context:

Janvier 2008. La France a tenu son pari et mettra en œuvre une partie des mesures du Grenelle de l'Environnement, cependant le Ministre de l'Environnement n'a pas communiqué le montant qui a été attribué.

Le but est de faire consommer moins d'énergie aux foyers français, de construire plus de lignes TGV (train à grande vitesse) et d'augmenter le transport en ville dans les agglomérations se situant loin de Paris pour rendre les zones difficiles plus accessibles.

En matière d'agriculture, des dizaines de substances dangereuses disparaîtront du commerce avant la fin de cette année.

Inspired by:

English translation

France carried out its bet/gamble and will put into practise part of the Grenelle de l'Environnement* measures, however, the Minister of Ecology has not communicated the amount that has been allotted to it.

The objective is to make French homes use less energy, build more high-speed train lines and increase urban transport in cities located far from Paris in order to make difficult areas more accessible.

As for farming, dozens of dangerous substances will disappear off the market by the end of this year.

Cultural information:

Grenelle de l'Environnement: the word "Grenelle" refers to a 1968 meeting presided by President Charles de Gaulle in Paris, in a street called "Grenelle" to pacify the riots and find a solution to social matters. Since then, the expression refers to a major meeting of the parties concerning a particular issue (Environment, Education, ...) in order to completely review a situation and find solutions.

Written and compiled by Charlotte Chateau.

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French verb to bet on is parier sur

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