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Every week there is new stuff on our website ...

Every week we will send you new lessons and snippets of French with links to our French verb lessons laid out in our powerful verb tables.

Do the verb tables every day you will soon master the various patterns of endings as we group them together to make each lesson build and consolidate with the next in the group.

If there are other things we can offer please be sure to contact us.

Kevin Crocombe

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Transcity Properties Ltd trading as exceltra, 32 Alverton, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK14 5EF, United Kingdom
Serving fast language learning to the world including Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Asia and the Americas. 2010-2011 ©
French Learning Made Fun, Quick and Effective.

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seeing yourself learning at a rate of 200 words a day ... the ideal companion course that complements any language course.











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