Cure in French
Verb guérir: to cure

The French verb guérir, meaning "to cure (an illness)"cannot be employed in another context, as it will always be related to a wound or a disease.
The noun is la guérison (f) (recovery).
Be careful! In French, the noun la cure (f) means "therapy".
Here are some examples using the French verb guérir:

  • Le médecin a été surpris de voir que son patient avait complètement guérit aussi rapidement.
    The Doctor was surprised to see that his patient was cured so quickly.
  • Ses blessures mettraient du temps à guérir mais il l'oublierait un jour.
    It would take time for his wounds to be cured but he would forget her one day.
  • Sa guérison dépendait surtout de son moral.
    His recovery depended above all on his moral state.

Idioms using the French verb guérir:

  • Être en (bonne) / sur la voie de guérison: to be on the mend / on the road to recovery.
  • Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The French verb guérir in context:

Janvier 2008. La France tire le bilan de ses projets en matière de santé.

Le Gouvernement avait lancé un projet, étalé sur 3 ans, visant à mieux prévenir et guérir le cancer.

Dans sa globalité, son application a marqué des progrès car les maladies étant repérées plus tôt, il y a plus de chance de mener les patients sur la voie de la guérison.

Cependant, les chiffres montrent de grandes inégalités entre les régions.

En effet, la plupart d'entre elles n'ont pas respecté les règles préconisées par ce projet et encore beaucoup de gens ne désirent pas se soumettre à des examens de dépistage.

Même si l'opération est onéreuse, au moins elle porte ses fruits et peut être améliorée en poursuivant les efforts déjà fournis.

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English translation:

January 2008. France is balancing the books of its medical field projects.

The Government had launched a three-year project aiming at better anticipating and curing cancer.

In its entirety, the way it has been applied has produced some progress, as the disease is being spotted earlier, and patients are more likely to be on the road to recovery.

However, figures show important inequalities between the regions.

Indeed, most disregarded the rules recommended in this project and many people still do not wish to take screening tests.

Even if the operation is expensive, at least it has borne fruit and can be improved by continuing with the efforts already contributed.

Written and compiled by Charlotte Chateau.

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French verb to cure is guérir

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